Wiggle Worms is a pediatric therapy clinic that treats children from birth through age eighteen. It is our goal to provide the best service for the child and family in a warm an nurturing environment. Wiggle Worms provides physical therapy, occupational therapy as well as speech therapy services.
We provide PT services for children with orthopedic impairments as well as developmental delays. Wiggle Worms provides services at their clinic in Kittery ME as well as in the public schools, community daycares & preschools, and also provides early intervention services in southern York County.
Wiggle Worms is proud to be a teaching facility. Students bring enthusiasm as well as the newest techniques and research to the table. We work closely with several colleges throughout the country who not only provide us with their best students, but also provide us with access to research in our areas of specialty.
Wiggle Worms provides several different programs besides clinic-based PT in order to meet the needs of our children. We have offered a special needs swim class, a yoga class, and a Fit Kids gym program. Wiggle Worms has also put together a Special Olympics team for southern York County to compete in various events throughout the year.